Best Web Hosting For Your Money - January 2023
Hi everyone, it's time for another guide on hosting in South Africa. In this guide I have some set categories and let you know which hosting packages are the best value in the categories.
Since the cPanel licensing changes there's been even more hosts that upped their prices. This is very unfortunate and it doesn't help that the rand isn't doing too great either.
MI HOST is seemingly no more and I see Ample Hosting is now part of Host Africa. So I've removed MI HOST and will replace Ample Hosting with Host Africa in the next guide.
I will also be adding some extra hosts over the coming months. For now we'll stick to the ones we've had for most of the year.
If you wish to skip the article and rather compare the prices yourself, just click on the following button:
Click here to go to the price comparison page.
There are 18 companies listed in this month's guide. To visit any of them just click on the following links:
- 1-grid
- Afrihost
- Ample Hosting
- Axxess
- BlueSteam
- Cybersmart
- Domains.co.za
- Elitehost
- Frikkadel
- GoDaddy
- Host4Africa
- Hostking
- Openhost
- Ramkat
- Smartweb
- Webspacebar
- xneelo
Linux Shared Hosting
This is mostly cPanel hosting and is the hosting you'll find at most hosts. Unfortunately there's been price increases because of licensing changes.
Cheapest of the Cheap: Cybersmart - Pink - R0It's exceptionally cheap in that it's free but they catch you in being more expensive for a mandatory domain name where with other packages you pay per month but you can get a domain for free.
Best Low Cost Value for Money: Hostking - cPanel Lite - R12.00You get a free domain if you pay annually, plus a website builder and free transfers. If you are going for something cheap then this one is gives you a lot for not that much money.
One Site With Everything Unlimited: Elitehost - Unlimited - R45Oh no! They've had the same price for so long and of course now it has finally gone up. Still, it's a great price to pay if you are going to host a single website.
Unlimited Everything: Ramkat - Unlimited - R110It's by far the cheapest package when it comes to unlimited options. So you can host as many sites as you want without any limits. However, it says unlimited but I'm sure you'll be stopped if you go overboard.
Windows Shared Hosting
Normally more expensive than Linux hosting, it's mostly used to host ASP.NET apps. Fewer hosts are offering ASP.NET hosting. Especially now with .NET Core.
Hosting Web is hosted on Winity and makes use of Windows hosting. For those interested in a cheap overseas virtual machine.
Cheapest of the Cheap (Windows Edition): Hostking - Plesk Starter - R36.00It doesn't look like Cybersmart does Windows shared hosting anymore so Hostking now offers the cheapest Windows hosting. 1 site with a single domain.
Best Windows Hosting Deal: Hostking - Plesk Standard - R70This is a much better option than the previous one. You can host unlimited sites and you get 5GB disk space.
General Awards
Cheapest Domain: Frikkadel - .co.za - R57.50I like Frikkadel. When I contact them they reply quickly and their prices are exceptionally good. So yes, the cheapest domains in South Africa can be found here.
Web Host of the Month
HostkingHostking's gotten very big over the years and I can still easily recommend them. And with Windows hosting becoming rarer it makes me glad to see them still offering it. They've got great support and fast hosting.
Final Word
Prices keep increasing and it doesn't look like this trend is going to stop soon. I will be adding a couple of new hosts by the new guide however and maybe they will offer good value.
This guide has been posted a little bit late. Life got in the way of completing it in time. Apologies for that. I do hope that the guide helps someone out there.