Best Web Hosting For Your Money – March 2014

Best Web Hosting
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Best Web Hosting For Your Money - January 2023


This month I’ve got an extra couple of hosting companies added to the guide. I’ve realized that many of these smaller hosting companies are much easier to deal with and that they value any links that I send their way. They are also quicker to reply to my emails and tend to answer one better.

Afrihost has been a pain to deal with lately. Their cloud servers go down regularly and their support have been poor. I used to like them a lot but at this stage I can’t recommend them to anyone. In the same breath I want to thank Web Africa though. One of the bigger hosting companies but they have been great and I’m thankful for them.

On this site there’s a new section where VPSs are put through vigorous testing and the results posted. Thanks to Ockham’s Razor Solutions for these tests. They can be found here.

This guide, just like always, will only look at features and pricing. So I don’t look at the speed of the hosting or the level of support. Local hosting is preferable and in cases where the features are very similar I will pick hosting packages at companies that I think will give you more joy.

There are 16 companies listed in this month’s post:


Linux Shared Hosting
-Cheapest of the cheap (R0 to R50)
-Medium sized website (R50 to R100)
-Large with fries (R100+)
Windows Shared Hosting
Final Word

Note that if you click on a row in these tables then it will show more information on the package. Links to the hosts are shown for the winners or you can use the List of South African under the site navigation to the right.

Linux Shared Hosting

Cheapest of the cheap (R0 to R50)

CostTrafficHDD SpaceLocalEmailsDatabasesFree DomainDomains
Cybersmart-PinkR0 PMUnlimited600 MBYes5YesNo?
Domaincheap-FreeR0 PMUnlimited700 MBYes1NoNo?
Webspacebar-50mbR4.95 PMUnlimited50 MBYesUnlimitedUnlimitedNoUnlimited
MI HOST-BronzeR6 PMUnlimited100 MBYesUnlimitedUnlimitedNoUnlimited
Gridhost-PersonalR8.95 PMUnlimited70 MBNo152No1
Afrihost-Bronze HomeR9 PMUnlimited300 MBYes5NoYes1
Hostking-StarterR9 PMUnlimited500 MBYes10UnlimitedYes1
Frikkadel-Just the SauceR9 PMUnlimited50 MBNoUnlimitedUnlimitedNoUnlimited
Webspacebar-100mbR9.95 PMUnlimited100 MBYesUnlimitedUnlimitedNoUnlimited
Host4Africa-Tungsten HostingR9.99 PMUnlimited350 MBNo101Yes1
Webspacebar-250mbR12.95 PMUnlimited250 MBYesUnlimitedUnlimitedNoUnlimited
Webspacebar-500mbR15.95 PMUnlimited500 MBYesUnlimitedUnlimitedNoUnlimited
Cybersmart-BlueR18 PMUnlimited2 GBYes25YesNo?
Webspacebar-750mbR18.95 PMUnlimited750 MBYesUnlimitedUnlimitedNoUnlimited
Web Africa-StarterR19 PM750 MB750 MBYes5NoYes1
Afrihost-Silver HomeR19 PMUnlimited750 MBYes25NoYes1
Hetzner-MicroR19 PMUnlimited1 GBYes20NoNo1
Webspacebar-1GigR21.95 PMUnlimited1 GBYesUnlimitedUnlimitedNoUnlimited
Domaincheap-MicroR24 PMUnlimited2 GBYes200Yes?
Hostking-BasicR24 PMUnlimited1 GBYes25UnlimitedYes1
Webspacebar-2GigR24.95 PMUnlimited2 GBYesUnlimitedUnlimitedNoUnlimited
Gridhost-BloggerR24.95 PMUnlimited2 GBNo303No3
Frikkadel-Standard PlateR25 PMUnlimited250 MBNoUnlimitedUnlimitedNoUnlimited
Gridhost-PersonalR26.95 PM3 GB800 MBYes152No1
@lantic-LinuxWebR29 PMUnlimited100 MBYesNone1No1
MWEB-LiteR29 PMUnlimitedUnlimitedYes1 x 50mb1Yes1
Webspacebar-3GigR29.95 PMUnlimited3 GBYesUnlimitedUnlimitedNoUnlimited
Serve Hosting-Serve 1R29.99 PM12.5 GB1 GBNoUnlimitedUnlimitedNo10
MI HOST-SilverR31 PMUnlimited500 MBYesUnlimitedUnlimitedNoUnlimited
Webspacebar-4GigR34.95 PMUnlimited4 GBYesUnlimitedUnlimitedNoUnlimited
Elitehost-UnlimitedR35 PMUnlimitedUnlimitedYesUnlimitedUnlimitedNo1
Cybersmart-YellowR38 PMUnlimited4 GBYes75YesNo?
Afrihost-Gold HomeR39 PMUnlimited2 000 MBYes751Yes1
Hetzner-Micro ProR39 PMUnlimited2 GBYes50NoNo1
Webspacebar-5GigR39.95 PMUnlimited5 GBYesUnlimitedUnlimitedNoUnlimited
Host4Africa-Copper HostingR39.99 PMUnlimited2.5 GBNo351Yes1
Hostking-StandardR42 PMUnlimited2 GBYesUnlimitedUnlimitedYesUnlimited
Frikkadel-The Works!R45 PMUnlimited2 GBNoUnlimitedUnlimitedNoUnlimited
MI HOST-GoldR46 PMUnlimited1 GBYesUnlimitedUnlimitedNoUnlimited
Cybersmart-GreenR48 PMUnlimited10 GBYes200YesNo?
Afrihost-Platinum HomeR49 PMUnlimited3 000 MBYes2005Yes1
Ample Hosting-Silver-UR49 PMUnlimitedUnlimitedNoUnlimitedUnlimitedNo1
Ample Hosting-SilverR49 PM10 GB5 GBYes3510No?
MWEB-ProR49 PMUnlimitedUnlimitedYes5 x 50mb2Yes1
Gridhost-StorefrontR49.95 PM6 GB2 GBYes205No2
Domaincheap-StarterR50 PMUnlimited4 GBYes301Yes?

Cheapest of the Cheap: Cybersmart

Still undefeated! If you want free then there aren’t many options and Cybersmart’s allows for the use of a database which puts them ahead of Domaincheap.

The Most Space: MWEB

MWEB has an option for R29 per month that allows for unlimited space. I can just imagine what the terms are but they currently advertise it as unlimited. Someone should try it out and see how much they can fit on there.

Most Sites on a Single Package: Webspacebar

For R5 a month you can host as many sites as you want but with only 50MB to work with. If you need a bit more space then for R6 a month you get 100MB at MI HOST

Best Low Cost Deal: Webspacebar 500mb

This is a difficult choice because it depends on your needs. If you want only one site then Hostking’s Starter is probably your best choice since it includes a free domain. Webspacebar’s option offers a ton of value though with unlimited sites, only limited by the 500mb.

Medium sized website (R50 to R100)

CostTrafficHDD SpaceLocalEmailsDatabasesFree DomainDomains
Gridhost-StandardR59.95 PMUnlimited4 GBNoUnlimited10No10
Webspacebar-10GigR59.95 PMUnlimited10 GBYesUnlimitedUnlimitedNoUnlimited
Host4Africa-Silver HostingR59.99 PMUnlimited5 GBNo5005Yes2
Elitehost-Unlimited PlusR60 PMUnlimitedUnlimitedYesUnlimitedUnlimitedNo3
Afrihost-Bronze proR65 PMUnlimited4 GBYes50020Yes1
Ample Hosting-GoldR79 PM20 GB10 GBYes5020No?
Ample Hosting-GoldR79 PM100 GB5 GBYes2510No?
Web Africa-PremiumR79 PMUnlimited5 GBYesUnlimitedUnlimitedYesUnlimited
Gridhost-BloggerR79.95 PM9 GB4 GBYes303No3
Elitehost-BusinessR89.95 PM45 GB10 GBYesUnlimitedUnlimitedNo1
Serve Hosting-Serve 2R89.99 PM36.5 GB3 GBNoUnlimitedUnlimitedNo25
Cybersmart-AquaR98 PMUnlimited20 GBYesUnlimitedYesNo?
Afrihost-Silver ProR99 PMUnlimited10 GBYes2000100Yes1
Hetzner-BasicR99 PMUnlimited5 GBYes1005No10
Domaincheap-SilverR99 PMUnlimited10 GBYes505Yes?
MI HOST-EliteR99 PMUnlimited2 GByesUnlimitedUnlimitedNoUnlimited
Hostking-BusinessR99 PMUnlimited5 GBYesUnlimitedUnlimitedYesUnlimited
MWEB-UltraR99 PMUnlimitedUnlimitedYes10 x 50mb3Yes2
Webspacebar-20GigR99.95 PMUnlimited20 GBYesUnlimitedUnlimitedNoUnlimited
Host4Africa-Gold HostingR99.99 PMUnlimited12.5 GBNo2000100Yes5

Almost Unlimited Webspacebar and Elitehost

Webspacebar takes the crown from Web Africa. It’s between them and Elitehost depending on your needs. Elitehost limits the amount of sites you can host and Webspacebar limits you with a size constraint.

Best deal for R100 or less Webspacebar – 10 Gig

They are taking over this guide! Webspacebar is new to this guide and their prices are amazing.

Large with fries (R100+)

CostTrafficHDD SpaceLocalEmailsDatabasesFree DomainDomains
Ample Hosting-PlatinumR129 PM40 GB20 GBYes7525No?
Ample Hosting-PlatinumR129 PMUnlimited10 GBYes7550No?
Gridhost-BusinessR129.95 PM15 GB8 GBYes605No5
Gridhost-UnlimitedR129.95 PMUnlimited15 GBNoUnlimitedUnlimitedYesUnlimited
Elitehost-Unlimited ProR140 PMUnlimitedUnlimitedYesUnlimitedUnlimitedNo7
Hetzner-StandardR149 PMUnlimited10 GBYes25010No25
Gridhost-WarehouseR149.95 PM20 GB10 GBYes6015Yes3
Serve Hosting-Serve 3R149.99 PM66.5 GB5 GBNoUnlimitedUnlimitedNo50
Host4Africa-Platinum HostingR159.99 PMUnlimited25 GBNo5000200Yes10
Afrihost-Gold ProR165 PMUnlimited20 GBYes5000200Yes1
Elitehost-Business PlusR169.95 PM90 GB20 GBYesUnlimitedUnlimitedNo3
@lantic-LinuxWeb+R179 PMUnlimited2 000 MBYes2505NoUnlimited
Ample Hosting-DiamondR199 PMUnlimited20 GBYes200100No?
Web Africa-Premium PlusR199 PMUnlimited20 GBYesUnlimitedUnlimitedYesUnlimited
Web Africa-Premium PlusR199 PMUnlimited20 GBYesUnlimitedUnlimitedYesUnlimited
Domaincheap-GoldR199 PMUnlimited50 GBYes10010Yes?
Gridhost-ProR249.95 PM30 GB16 GBYes1208Yes10
Ample Hosting-Platinum PlusR259 PM80 GB40 GBYes10050Yes?
Hetzner-AdvancedR279 PMUnlimited15 GBYes50020No50
Elitehost-Business ProR319.95 PM180 GB40 GBYesUnlimitedUnlimitedNo7
Host4Africa-Rhodium HostingR389.99 PMUnlimited60 GBNoUnlimitedUnlimitedYes25
@lantic-Linux UltimateR399 PMUnlimited4 000 MBYes50020NoUnlimited
Afrihost-Platinum ProR399 PMUnlimited50 GBYesUnlimitedUnlimitedYes1
Hetzner-MasterR439 PM100 GB / Unlimited20 GBYes100040No75

Almost Unlimited Everything (Part 2) Local: Elitehost

You are limited to seven sites but everything is unlimited. Or you can go to the previous table and for R99 you can go with Webspacebar’s 20 GB offer for R99 per month where you are only limited by space.

Windows Shared Hosting

CostTrafficHDD SpaceLocalEmailsDatabasesFree DomainDomains
Hostking-StarterR9 PMUnlimited500 MBYes10UnlimitedYes1
Cybersmart-BlueR18 PMUnlimited2 GBYes25YesNo?
Web Africa-StarterR19 PM750 MB750 MBYes5NoYes1
Hostking-BasicR24 PMUnlimited1 GBYes25UnlimitedYes1
MWEB-LiteR29 PMUnlimitedUnlimitedYes1 x 50mb1Yes1
Afrihost-Bronze HomeR29 PMUnlimited300 MBYes5YesYes1
Cybersmart-YellowR38 PMUnlimited4 GBYes75YesNo?
Hostking-StandardR42 PMUnlimited2 GBYesUnlimitedUnlimitedYesUnlimited
Cybersmart-GreenR48 PMUnlimited10 GBYes200YesNo?
MWEB-ProR49 PMUnlimitedUnlimitedYes5 x 50mb2Yes1
Afrihost-Silver HomeR59 PMUnlimited750 MBYes25YesYes1
@lantic-WinWebR79 PMUnlimited200 MBYesNone1No1
Web Africa-PremiumR79 PMUnlimited5 GBYesUnlimitedUnlimitedYesUnlimited
Cybersmart-AquaR98 PMUnlimited20 GBYesUnlimitedYesNo?
MWEB-UltraR99 PMUnlimitedUnlimitedYes10 x 50mb3Yes2
Afrihost-Gold HomeR99 PMUnlimited2 000 MBYes75YesYes1
Hostking-BusinessR99 PMUnlimited5 GBYesUnlimitedUnlimitedYesUnlimited
Afrihost-Platinum HomeR149 PMUnlimited3 000 MBYes200YesYes1
Afrihost-Bronze ProR199 PMUnlimited4 GBYes500YesYes1
@lantic-WinWeb+R199 PMUnlimited2 000 MBYes2501NoUnlimited
Web Africa-Premium PlusR199 PMUnlimited20 GBYesUnlimitedUnlimitedYesUnlimited
Afrihost-Silver ProR249 PMUnlimited10 GBYes2000YesYes1
Afrihost-Gold ProR349 PMUnlimited20 GBYes5000YesYes1
Afrihost-Platinum ProR599 PMUnlimited50 GBYesUnlimitedYesYes1

Cheapest of the Cheap (Windows Edition): Hostking

It’s still the cheapest Windows hosting you can get and I think it’s a bargain.

Best Windows Hosting Deal: Web Africa – Premium

If you want to host a couple of websites then Web Africa remains the best deal. Plenty of space, a free domain and unlimited just about everything it’s a great deal.

Final Word

Webspacebar contacted me at MyBroadband and I was surprised by their prices. They really make a splash this month. I’ve never hosted with them personally so if any of you have experienced their hosting then please let everyone know how they are by commenting on this guide.

This month I really want to thank Web Africa for their great support. It’s very much appreciated. I can really recommend them on that fact alone.

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